Wool, the fabric of history, is often called the miracle fibre – a wonderful insulator, excellent at moisture control, naturally flame resistant, highly resilient and many other good things. For thousands of years man has had a beneficial relationship with this unique fibre, but only in more recent times has science discovered why wool is such a miracle fibre and why it is the perfect choice for bedding products. The secret is in each wool fibre.
Moisture Control
The core of each wool fibre is very absorbent – up to 30% of its weight in moisture. By comparison cotton absorbs 8% and most synthetics as low as 2% – in fact wool is the most hydrophilic (able to absorb moisture) of all natural fibres.
The wool fibre is unique in that it then releases this moisture slowly through evaporation helping the sleeper stay warmer in winter and cooler in summer, and eliminating dampness in the bedding.
Natural Flame Resistance
Wool is made of keratin (an animal protein found in hair and nails ) and this, combined with the moisture content the wool has absorbed, requires a higher temperature to ignite than other natural and manmade fibres.
When wool does burn it burns slowly, smoldering and charring. It does not support a flame, gives off very little heat, and course does not release harmful toxic chemical gases.
Natural Temperature Control
As wool fibres release absorbed moisture heat is given off - in fact a single gram of wool gives off 27 calories of heat when it goes from wet to dry.
Naturally Non Allergenic
The keratin in wool is the same protein as in nails and hair.
Dust Mites - a leading cause of allergies - prefer a damp, not dry location, and the scales which cover each wool fibre help further create an inhospitable environment.
Wool Glossary:
Micron – the measurement used to determine the thickness of each wool fibre. A fine, soft merino wool for a good quality garment would be between 17-20 microns. A carpet 35 microns or more. For fluffy, resilient duvet wool somewhere between these two.
Spring Wool Clip – of the two clipping done per year this clip produces the best quality, most resilient wool.
Carding Process – transforming the bulk wool in bales to continuous wool batts. How the carding machine arranges the wool fibres affects weight, loft and resilience of the wool batting.
Superwash wool – undergoes a process to ensure longterm and reliable laundering of wool products.